Prevent your pooch from ingesting seawater and other salty substances

Prevent your pooch from ingesting seawater and other salty substances

Does your dog love to spend the day at the beach? If so, remember that a day of fun can quickly go south if your dog drinks too much seawater.

A five-pound dog only needs to ingest 1 teaspoon of salt to develop severe salt toxicity — about the amount in just two-thirds of a cup of seawater.

Salt toxicity can result in serious kidney and neurologic symptoms within about 3 hours of a dog consuming too much salt. Without immediate veterinary care, the condition can be fatal.

Besides seawater, other items to avoid include rock salt, homemade play dough, paintballs, and salt dough used to make ornaments.

It’s just another case of preventing a problem that can cause a world of hurt for your pooch.

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