Parents should encourage kids to exercise 60 minutes daily

Parents should encourage kids to exercise 60 minutes daily

Most parents recognize the value of exercise for the health of their children. What they may not know is how much … and what kind of … exercise is best for their little ones.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says children should get 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Now, before you say it’s near impossible to find free time in your child’s busy day, understand that this power hour actually can be accrued in short bursts of 10 minutes or so.

Aerobic activity, from brisk walking to running, should make up most of those 60 minutes. It’s a good idea to take walks with your kids, but keep in mind that while walking is good exercise, it can be boring for kids. Think of fun games to play along the way, like hopscotch or having them run to the next driveway and back as you keep walking. Have them hop on one foot or walk backward for a short distance.

Researchers note a sharp drop-off in physical activity among girls once they enter their teens. That’s why if you’re the parent of a girl, it’s important to help your daughter find something she likes to do that she can stick with as she gets into this stage of life. It can be hard to do this without introducing body image issues, so stress benefits such as better sleep and concentration, being stronger and being better coordinated.

The more these activities become part of their daily lives, the more likely your children are to carry these habits into adulthood. Higher levels of physical activity as children and adolescents are associated with better cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, bone health, mental health and healthy weight as adults.

Start young, make it fun and give your child a running start at a healthy life.

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