If you “slept like a dog” last night, it probably means you didn’t have one in bed, draped across your legs like a heavy blanket that occasionally licks your toes.
Indeed, even sleeping in the same room as your dog risks ruining a good night’s sleep. A dog can be like an erratic alarm clock randomly waking you through the night.
A study by researchers at Trinity College in Connecticut questioned more than 1,500 Americans about their sleep habits. About half of this representative sample of adults reported sleeping in the same room as their pet for at least part of the night. The other half didn’t sleep with pets close by.
Scientists found that adults who slept with their dogs either in bed or in the same room reported poorer sleep quality and more insomnia. That’s compared with those who either didn’t have pets or kept them clear of the bedroom.
Cats are another story. Apparently, felines are less of a sleep nuisance. An explanation for that remains elusive, like that red laser dot a cat can never catch.
More than nine out of 10 people who snuggled snoozily with their pets believed the animals had a positive or neutral effect on sleep.
Scientists note that sleep affects all of our body’s systems. It helps our brains reset, clears out waste products and promotes overall health.
Any dog owner can attest to the mental health value of keeping a pet nearby. Dogs also encourage exercise. We walk and play with them. They’re not harming you like a pack of cigarettes. Still, sleep is important.
If you can’t bear the thought of moving this bedtime companion to another room, one solution makes sense.
Get a bigger mattress.