When you call your pet, does she turn a deaf ear? Deafness in pets is often hereditary and linked to white coats or certain white and dark-colored coat combinations. Dalmations are the dogs most commonly affected. Deafness can also be acquired with age or from drug toxicity, loud noises or trauma.
Deafness is diagnosed by analyzing brain wave patterns created when a sound enters your pet’s ear. There’s no cure for hereditary deafness. But listen up for ways you can help your hearing-challenged hound or kitty.
Safety comes first, so leash or pen your deaf pet when outside. Your buddy may bite if startled, so go slowly, alert strangers and keep young children away. Some deaf pets can be trained to respond to hand signals, while others are alerted by lights or remote-controlled vibrating collars.
Take it from your deaf pet and learn to adapt.