Some medications can be dangerous for cats with MDR1 mutation

Some medications can be dangerous for cats with MDR1 mutation

We do everything to help our feline friends, so it’s heartbreaking when a medication that’s meant to help ends up being life-threatening.

Ingredients like eprinomectin [epp-rin-oh-MEC-tin], ivermectin [eye-ver-MEC-tin], selamectin [sell-ah-MEC-tin] and cisapride [SIS-ah-pride] are found in popular medications, including parasiticides. They’re safe and effective in most cats but can cause serious adverse effects in cats with a mutation in the MDR1 gene. These cats can’t prevent drugs like these — and maybe others —  from entering the brain and causing severe, sometimes fatal, neurotoxic reactions.

Researchers estimate that up to 4% of cats — about 4 million just in the U.S. — have at least one copy of the MDR1 mutation. That’s why they recommend that all cats be tested to ensure their medications won’t hurt them.a

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