So-called wobbly cats can live happy lives

So-called wobbly cats can live happy lives

We’ve likely all seen pets with disabilities and wondered if they can live happy lives. So, let’s talk about cats with cerebellar hypoplasia [sare-uh-BELL-er high-po-PLAY-zha], or CH [C-H] for short.
CH is a congenital condition caused by a viral infection in a pregnant cat, which is passed to her unborn kitten. The virus damages the part of the kitten’s brain that controls balance, resulting in jerky uncoordinated movements.
CH, sometimes called “wobbly cat syndrome,” is not infectious in the newborn, but there’s no cure for the damage. Still, it doesn’t have to affect the cat’s quality of life. Some CH cats are just a bit unsteady, while others can’t walk on their own. But even severely affected cats can live happily — if they get great care.

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