Reflecting on capabilities improves future resilience

Reflecting on capabilities improves future resilience

Resilience is a mental reservoir that gives a person the strength to cope with hardships and stress in a healthy way. It provides the power to carry yourself with confidence and patience instead of falling apart when negativity arises.

Resilience also means having healthy personal management skills to overcome challenges and manage your mental outlook. It’s not something that everyone is born with but anyone can work on being more resilient. So, how can you?

Researchers at New York University and two European universities have some ideas. Self-efficacy — the perception of your own ability to reach a goal — can be improved by recalling the moments in life when you were successful and proud of yourself. In other words, resilience in the present has much to do with confidence about past successes.

The researchers worked with two groups of study participants who were asked to recall events. Half the participants were told to recall a positive event or a joyful time with other people. The rest were asked to reflect on a time they were self-efficacious — such as passing a difficult test, having a successful conversation or giving a challenging presentation.

The researchers found that those who reflected on their own resilience were better able to pivot and respond positively when unpleasant memories reappeared.

None of this means resilient people don’t face stress or pain. Everyone deals with heartbreaks and setbacks.

But sociology experts note how it can be easy to lose sight of the contribution we’re making to the world. They suggest taking time to slow down mentally and get grounded. That can provide a greater sense of control.

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