Preventing injury in older adults

Preventing injury in older adults

As we age, we want to remain healthy by exercising and staying active. However, aging also leaves us more vulnerable to injury, especially from exercise. To prevent injury, it’s important to remain aware of your readiness to exercise. Research shows we can prevent injuries as we age and stay active.

First, get your vision checked regularly. Our eyesight weakens as we get older, and sharp eyesight is crucial to staying active safely. Visit an ophthalmologist to check your glasses and contacts for effectiveness and to make sure your eyes are healthy.

Second, begin slowly. No matter your age, it’s not safe to go from zero to 60. Our muscles need to be warmed up in order to perform exercise safely and effectively. If you’re going on a run, begin with a walk. If you’re playing a sport, begin with a light jog. Take time to stretch before and after workouts to protect your muscles.

Third, practice your balance. As we age, our equilibrium declines, and this can lead to sprained ankles and accidental falls. Before exercising, take a few minutes to balance yourself on each leg. You can also improve your balance by strengthening your core muscles through planks.

Fourth, drink milk. It’s the advice given to children to grow healthy bones, and it’s true for adults, too. Drinking milk after a workout replenishes the muscles. Chocolate milk is a good alternative as the sugar in the chocolate helps energize your body.

Lastly, take a day off. As we age, our bodies cannot maintain the same stamina. So take one day a week off from strenuous physical activity and allow yourself to rest. You’ve earned it!

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