Linear foreign bodies can be disastrous for cats

Linear foreign bodies can be disastrous for cats

Sometimes when our pets play, they inadvertently swallow objects. These ingested non-food items are called foreign bodies—and the ones that look the most benign sometimes cause the biggest problems.

We’re talking about linear foreign bodies, which are any long, slender objects — like threads, yarn and tinsel — that cats especially love to play with. When swallowed, one end of the linear foreign body can become anchored in the upper digestive tract, say, under the tongue, while the back end keeps trying to pass, bunching up in the intestines as it goes. Eventually, the object can tighten and work like a saw against the intestinal wall, causing tears and dangerous leaks into the abdomen.

At this point, the treatment is emergency surgery. But you can avoid all the drama by keeping your cat away from string, thread, yarn and the like.

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