Miserable is the road to a healthy life. True happiness resides in a candy bar and a butt planted firmly on a couch.
At least, that’s what many Americans seem to believe.
A survey of 2,000 adults by the market research company OnePoll found that nearly half of those polled thought living a healthy lifestyle would make them miserable. Where’s the joy, after all, in a plate of veggies and an hour sweating in the gym?
A remarkable 6 out of 10 people said healthy food doesn’t taste good. Thumbs down on that serving of peas.
Respondents’ idea of what makes up a healthy life vary. But some of their beliefs on the composition of a healthy diet missed the mark by the width of a sequoia. On average, they thought a healthy plate included 19% grains and 17% each for fruit and vegetables.
Wrong. Wrong. And really wrong.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines a healthy plate as having nearly 30% grains, 20% fruit and 30% vegetables. Indeed, most people acknowledged they aren’t taking mom’s advice to eat more veggies.
And most conceded they’re more likely to grab some candy or other sweet treat before reaching for an apple or banana.
At the same time, they claim they’re consuming less than 16 grams of sugar daily. That’s seems odd — the American average is 77. Somebody might be fibbing, or misinformed.
Nutritionists argue eating a healthy diet need not be misery. They note there are great-tasting foods that are also good for you. Be adventuresome in your food choices. Listen to great tunes while working out and take note of how nice you feel after.
And it’s OK to cheat once in a while and gift your sweet tooth some chocolate treats. Just don’t tell mom.