For men, another good reason to get a COVID-19 vax — erectile dysfunction

For men, another good reason to get a COVID-19 vax — erectile dysfunction

The consequences of COVID-19 can be terrible. Severe cases might include possible lung and heart damage, or even impaired brain function. The disease has disabled many and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.

If all of that isn’t enough to convince some men to get a COVID-19 vaccination, maybe another potential symptom will — erectile dysfunction.

A University of Florida Health study adds to emerging evidence that the coronavirus might lead to sexual dysfunction. Researchers looked at men who had been diagnosed with COVID-19 and found they were more than three times more likely to develop E-D. That’s compared to those not sickened by the coronavirus.

The association between E-D and COVID-19 remained strong even when controlled for other conditions. For example, the association with E-D was 1.6 times higher for men with respiratory disease; 1.8 times higher for those with obesity; and nearly two times higher for those with cardiovascular disease.

While scientists say more research is needed, some are increasingly thinking E-D might be another long-term COVID symptom.

A University of Miami study found parts of the coronavirus in the penises of several men who had recovered from COVID-19, possibly damaging blood vessels and thereby impacting sexual function.

It’s also known that COVID-19 can reduce the production of testosterone.

The lead researcher of the UF Health study said he thinks the association between E-D and COVID might even be stronger. But many men are too embarrassed to report a problem to their doctor.

Scientists say the best reason to get a vaccination is the most obvious — it might just save your life.

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