People who take a few moments for themselves during the day for a quick power nap risk being labeled as lazy or unproductive. Try telling that to some of history’s best-known nappers, such as Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein and Napoleon Bonaparte. All of them were fans of a little daytime shut-eye.
But, as with many things, there are doubters. Perhaps nappers do snore through an appointment or a miss an email or two. New research in Medical News Today, however, indicates the snoozers may be onto something.
Researchers at the Lausanne University Hospital in Switzerland have found that one or two naps a week could have a lasting positive impact on your heart.
The team surveyed nearly 3,500 Swiss adults between the ages of 35 and 75 who had no history of cardiovascular problems. Over the five years they monitored the participants, they found that taking a couple of weekly naps was linked to a 48% lower cardiovascular risk compared with those who shunned a siesta.
They noted that those who napped more frequently also tended to be older, overweight males who smoked, tended to sleep more at night and had sleep apnea.
The research didn’t show any correlation between the length of the nap and improved heart health. They concluded that one or two naps, regardless of duration, are beneficial for cardiovascular health. More research is being done on how the frequency of naps impacts cardio health.
Obviously, not everyone is in position to get some shut-eye at work, and most bosses are not amused if they drop by to talk and hear you snoring. However, if you can make it work in your busy day, your heart may thank you for it.