Canine Bilious Vomiting Syndrome

Canine Bilious Vomiting Syndrome

If your dog seems to have morning sickness, it might be BVS

Dogs can vomit for many reasons — even if they haven’t eaten for a while.

If your dog throws up yellow fluid or foam first thing in the morning, it could be from bilious [BILL-ee-us] vomiting syndrome, or BVS. For some dogs, waiting all night to eat is a bit too much. Come morning, they may not be interested in food or may exhibit nausea by drooling or smacking their lips.

If this sounds familiar, schedule a visit with your veterinarian to sort out the cause. If it’s due to BVS, the recommendation might be to feed more frequent smaller meals, including one just before bedtime. If that’s the case, take care not to add more total daily calories, just readjust feedings. Every dog has different needs, so check with your veterinarian before making changes.

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