If you have a curious cat or a playful pooch, you’re used to keeping a close eye on their antics. But even then, a bee sting may not be on your radar.
Because of how our pets explore, bees often target their muzzles and paws. While the sting can smart, it usually causes only a little swelling and sensitivity. You can help by removing the embedded stinger. Don’t use your fingers or tweezers, which can tear the stinger and spread its toxin. Instead, use a stiff card to scrape it out.
Then watch your 4-legged friend. If you notice further swelling, call your veterinarian for advice.
Rarely, a pet can have an allergy and go into shock after a bee sting. If your buddy vomits or gets weak or pale within minutes after a sting, seek medical help right away.
Remember … “bee” vigilant and keep the sting out of summer.