The phrase “stand at attention” may mean literally just that. It turns out that students with standing desks appear to pay more attention in the classroom than their seated counterparts.
Researchers from Texas A&M University observed 300 children in second and fourth grade throughout a school year. They measured the number of times children answered a question, raised a hand or participated in active discussion. They also measured how many times these children exhibited distracted behaviors, such as interrupting.
The study found that students who used a standing desk stayed on task 12 percent more often than their seated classmates. This equals an extra seven minutes per hour of engagement with learning, which adds up quickly.
Other studies by the same research group have shown that children also can lose weight when using standing desks. Children who stood while at school burned 15 percent more calories than those who sat at traditional desks. The effect was even greater for obese children. They burned 25 percent more calories than their sedentary counterparts.
The increased attention and calorie burning did not surprise the researchers, as other studies have shown that even small amounts of exercise can benefit the brain.
So if you spend a lot of time behind a desk, it might be worth considering a taller version. There are different kinds of adjustable standing desks available through office furniture stores.
If the idea of standing all day makes you tired, the researchers suggest a tall desk with a raised stool nearby so you can get off your feet when you want to. Just remember that standing not only helps burn calories, but it also makes you think better on your feet.