Are you feeling stressed today? It’s not just you. Two out of five Americans worry every day, according to a recent report by Liberty Mutual Insurance. We’re concerned about many parts of our lives, including money, school, work and family. While some worry can be beneficial and motivate us to take action, excess unease can lead to greater amounts of stress and anxiety.
Here are three helpful coping strategies from the report and from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America to help reduce stress and anxiety.
First, make time to practice mindfulness. Carve out time at the beginning or end of the day to practice yoga or meditate. This helps you quiet the mind and momentarily step away from the problem. Afterward, you can revisit the problem with a clearer mind and find the best solution.
The second strategy is to exercise daily and get enough sleep. Exercise releases endorphins and promotes an overall feeling of good health. The body needs extra sleep when stressed, so make sure to sleep seven or eight hours per night.
Finally, make a list of worries and conquer them. If your worry is driving you to solve a problem, grab a pen and sheet of paper and break down the problem into parts. Define the problem and write down potential solutions. Generate lots of ideas and use the list to find the best solution. If you feel stuck, ask friends and family for help.
Life is full of uncertainty and worries. Instead of struggling, we can make conscious efforts to relax and live in the moment. Use these coping strategies as a starting point to empower yourself and ease your mind.