Our dogs are often stoic, but they shouldn’t have to endure pain. So how can we assess their discomfort and relieve it?
One way is by observing their behavior. Take Max, a dog who recently had surgery to repair a broken leg. With a small amount of pain, Max is happy, curious and unconcerned about his surgical wound. But as the pain worsens, he gets restless, whimpers and starts licking his wound. He’s still interested in his surroundings, but he looks worried and doesn’t respond eagerly when called. A more pained Max is agitated and bites his wound. He’s reluctant to move or shifts his posture to guard the wound. In severe pain, Max cries nonstop when alone. He doesn’t respond to the world around him because his pain is all-consuming.
Veterinarians use these clues and others to provide relief when it’s painfully obvious.