When pups leave the litter too soon

When pups leave the litter too soon

When puppies are antisocial or aggressive or deliver painful bites, it could be because they were taken too early from their mom and littermates.

There are several reasons why litters should stay together and with Mom until the pups are at least 7 weeks old. Key among them is allowing puppies to develop important behavioral and social skills.

For example, between 3 to 6 weeks of age, pups learn important ways to communicate with other dogs. After they’re 5 weeks old, puppies also learn how to be submissive. And between 5 to 7 weeks of age, they learn how to inhibit their bites during play with other dogs.

Single pups or those removed from the litter too early may also become easily frustrated.

If you’re concerned about your puppy’s behavior, dog trainers or puppy classes can help fill in the gaps.

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