If your pup’s face and neck suddenly swell, you’re apt to think bug bite. But the possible culprit could be a disease with an odd name and an unknown cause.
Puppy strangles, or juvenile cellulitis [cell-you-lye-tis], affects dogs that are about 1-4 months old. While this disease is not very common, owners of golden retriever, dachshund or Gordon setter pups should be aware that these breeds are affected more often than others.
The swelling, bumps and fever associated with puppy strangles might resemble a bacterial or viral infection, but this is something else. The cause, while still a mystery, may involve a stressed immune system. So instead of antibiotics, treatment includes drugs that calm immune functions.
In severe cases, puppy strangles can be life threatening, but dogs that are treated usually get well quickly. So if your pup starts to look puffy, seek veterinary help right away.