When more isn’t better

When more isn’t better

The term polydactyly [polly-DACK-tilly] refers to having extra toes. It’s a common condition in cats, especially those from the Northeast. And it turns out, more isn’t always better.

Most affected cats only have extra digits in the front paws, giving the appearance of having thumbs or wearing mittens. While the effect is pretty cute, extra nails can be problematic. Typically, bonus claws are located where the dewclaw would be. And as with a dewclaw, these nails don’t wear down like their weight-bearing counterparts. They can also grow unpredictably and puncture soft tissue. So, nails in polydactyl [polly-DACK-til] cats need to be monitored closely and clipped often.

Sometimes, problems are significant enough that it’s best to remove extra claws. But this is very different from — and without the pain of — regular declawing. A veterinarian can help make that call.

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