What noisy breathing might mean in cats

What noisy breathing might mean in cats

If your cat is breathing louder than normal, there could be lots of explanations — it’s not uncommon. Sometimes upper respiratory or sinus infections are to blame. Nasal tumors or narrowing in the back of the throat are other causes. But common culprits include nasopharyngeal [nā-zō-făr-ĬN-jē-ăl] polyps, which are benign masses that originate in a cat’s throat or ears.

Nasopharyngeal polyps typically occur in cats younger than 2 years old, but they can be seen in cats of any age. Noisy breathing is the most common sign, but others can include sneezing, nasal discharge — even a change in your cat’s vocalizations.

So, if your buddy is making extra noise, it’s likely not your imagination. Make an appointment with your veterinarian to find out the cause.

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