Warning off dementia — in dogs and people, too

Warning off dementia — in dogs and people, too

Whatever your dog’s age, it’s never too soon to help ward off dementia, also known as canine cognitive dysfunction, or CCD. Preventative measures are much the same for dogs as for people.

Reduced sensory input — like diminished vision or hearing — is a big risk factor for CCD as it is for dementia in people. If you notice that your pooch doesn’t see or hear as well these days, address it as soon as possible.

Good nutrition and weight management also help thwart CCD. And keeping active is key. Inactive dogs are over six  times more likely to develop CCD than their active peers. An active lifestyle is crucial for brain health in people too, so walking and playing with your canine companion will help you both.

So, disregard that old chestnut that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. A dog’s brain can always use new tricks.

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