U.S. SHIP: a program to help protect hogs in the face of disease outbreaks

U.S. SHIP: a program to help protect hogs in the face of disease outbreaks

Every day, swine producers across the United States are working diligently to fend off dangerous diseases — like African swine fever and brucellosis—that could shut down hog facilities. That’s why the US Department of Agriculture developed the US Swine Health Improvement Plan — or U.S. SHIP — to help protect hogs and US trade in the event of disease outbreaks.

The program is based on biosecurity, disease surveillance and testing to help confine diseases that make their way into individual facilities. That way, effects on international trade could be mitigated while getting the disease under control.

But swine producers need to sign up to be a part of U.S. SHIP. Interested individuals can get more information about the program at usswinehealthimprovementplan.com.

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