Are you among the millions of people who enjoy yoga? You crave the relaxation and health benefits of this ancient form of exercise. Now, there are many variations you can try.
You may have heard of hot yoga, in which classes are held in rooms with the temperature topping 100 degrees. But what about noga? This is naked yoga and it’s exactly what you think. People who have tried this marvel at the feeling of liberation that comes from shedding your inhibitions, and your clothing.
Yoga with baby goats jumping on your back and nuzzling your face has exploded in popularity since its humble beginnings in an Oregon barn. Classes are offered all over the country, but if you want to attend one with the originator, good luck: The waiting list reportedly tops 1,200 people.
A variation of this is doga, which is yoga with your pet pooch. You can do downward dog literally with your dog nestled on your chest or side.
Yoga is often associated with women, but it doesn’t need to be so. Now there’s broga — yes, yoga for bros! Broga focuses on strength-building and cardiovascular exercises and helps athletes recover from injuries.
Wanna get mellow? There’s ganja yoga, which infuses the class with cannabis in those states where recreational marijuana is allowed. Or you can really get high with aerial yoga, where you dangle in hammocks a few feet off the ground. Proponents say this allows for deeper stretching and helps develop better balance.
The flip side of this is tantrum yoga. Think primal screaming and stomping feet as you vent your bottled-up rage and find a cathartic release.
Yoga may not be for you, but if you’re interested, there’s something for everyone.