December ushers in a month of great parties – and great parties often include free-flowing booze. Unfortunately, people are more likely to drink excessively during this season than at any other time of the year, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This can lead to unwelcomed consequences, including drunk-driving accidents.
Avoid these problems by taking steps to drink responsibly and still enjoy the holiday season.
First, make some plans. Determine your transportation to and from the party before you leave home. Do you have a designated sober driver? Remember, a sober driver is someone who abstains from alcohol entirely, not just the person who drinks the least. If attending a party solo, ask if you can spend the night at the host’s house or return home via a cab or a ride-sharing service.
Second, pace yourself. Try to limit yourself to one drink per hour, and grab a nonalcoholic beverage in between. Water is best, and it keeps you hydrated.
Third, don’t drink on an empty stomach. Eat high-protein foods like nuts, cheese and meat while drinking; these will help slow the absorption of alcohol in the body.
Party hosts can make it easier for guests to drink in moderation by not making alcohol the focal point of the evening. Plan activities that keep guests chatting and moving. Offer “mocktails” and sparkling apple cider as a champagne alternative. Decide on a time to end your party and stop serving alcohol about an hour before to give guests time to sober up.
The holiday season is a joyful time to gather with friends and celebrate. By taking these small steps, you can ensure alcohol is a safe part of the celebration.