Timing of canine neuters and spays

Timing of canine neuters and spays

For years, pooch parents have struggled to answer a seemingly basic question: when do I get my dog fixed? That’s because 10-plus years ago, veterinarians began noticing that some dogs developed cancer or joint problems after being neutered or spayed under one year of age.

Now, results of a 10-year study that analyzed data from thousands of fixed dogs indicate that health risks depend most on a dog’s breed.

Large-breed dogs tend to develop joint problems when neutered early on — except for great Danes and Irish wolfhounds. As for small dogs, only Boston terriers and Shih Tzus show a significantly higher risk of cancer with early neutering — and it’s only male Boston terriers.

Although the study provided more valuable information, it’s still important to consult your veterinarian when making the decision.

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