Nowadays, any season can be flea season—especially inside our homes. So, there’s no time like the present to start flea control.
If you’re waiting to see a flea before you get worried, you may never find one. More likely, you’ll see the tiny black dots of flea dirt on your pet’s fur. Itchy pets are another clue — as are the small red flea bites you might find on your own ankles.
When fleas are on your pet, they’re in your environment, too. So, you need to treat your pets and their digs to eliminate the problem. Getting rid of adult fleas isn’t so tough, but their eggs are another story. And since each female flea lays about 50 eggs daily during her 100-day life cycle, flea populations explode in no time.
If you think you have a problem, contact your veterinarian immediately to talk treatment. There’s no time to waste when fleas invade.