Outside time is tons of fun for our pets, but potential dangers abound. Among them are very poisonous plants that might be right under a dog’s muzzle.
One of these is the sago palm, found outside in subtropical and tropical climates. Sagos are also popular ornamental household plants used in Bonsai arrangements. All parts of the plant are poisonous to dogs and cats, but the seeds are the most toxic of all — and that’s the part dogs are most likely to chew.
Eating any part of a sago can rapidly send a dog spiraling into severe liver failure. Drooling and gastrointestinal signs can appear in as little as 15 minutes after ingestion. Even with hospitalization and intensive care, only 30 to 50 percent of dogs survive exposure.
So know the plants in your area. When there’s no cure, an ounce of prevention is all you have.