The problem with circling

The problem with circling

Dogs often turn in a circle before they lie down—that’s perfectly normal. But walking in circles is something else entirely.

There are many potential reasons for circling. One of the most common is a problem with a dog’s balance center, or vestibular [vess-TIB-u-lahr] system. If your dog is head shaking, too, the underlying problem may be an inner-ear infection. In other dogs, loss of balance may come and go for no apparent reason.

Less frequently, circling may be due to a stroke (especially in older dogs) or encephalitis, which is inflammation of the brain. Head injuries can also result in circling. Even obsessive-compulsive disorder—yes, it can affect dogs, too—can manifest as circling.

Whatever the cause, your dog circling means it’s time to see your veterinarian. Next steps depend on what’s causing the problem.

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