The opioid epidemic in the United States has claimed thousands of people from all walks of life. Now our pets are in danger, too.
Numerous cases have been reported of dogs nearly dying from opioid exposure. A yellow lab puppy outside Boston collapsed after chewing on a discarded cigarette pack containing an opioid stash. A golden retriever in Denver fell ill after eating a bag of heroin thrown onto the grounds of a doggy daycare center. And a pug in Canada became deathly ill after opioid exposure.
Each of these dogs was saved by naloxone, or Narcan, administered by a veterinarian. Police officers also carry Narcan as a life-saving antidote for their canine buddies who risk exposure as they sniff out drugs.
If your dog seems distressed or collapses during or after a walk and you suspect he may have come in contact with a dangerous substance, get to a veterinary clinic ASAP. Opioids are indiscriminate killers.