The meaning of mange

The meaning of mange

A mangy dog means only one thing, right? The answer is, surprisingly, no.

There are two common types of mange in dogs, and they differ quite a bit. The kind most people are familiar with is sarcoptic [sar-COP-tic] mange, which can affect any dog. The mite responsible is contagious to other dogs and to people. Affected dogs are very itchy and, along with losing fur, can scratch themselves raw. This kind of mange requires medical treatment of all dogs in the house.

Demodectic [dē-mō-DECK-tic] mange, on the other hand, is an overgrowth of another mite that is normally found on dogs — just in low numbers. Only dogs with an immature or weakened immune system are affected. Demodectic mange is not contagious and usually results in only patchy hair loss. Mild cases often resolve without treatment when the immune system is back on track.

Remember, the meaning of mange holds the key to treatment.

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