Grooming from head to toe should be an essential part of your dog’s care. But all too often, paw care is reduced to a footnote.
Think about it. Our canine companions depend on strong, healthy paws to keep them active every day. So if you know your dog’s whereabouts by the clicking on the floor, it’s time for a nail trim. Likewise, trimming hair between and under your dog’s toes will help prevent small objects, like pebbles or burs, from getting swept up and injuring their paws.
Your dog’s pads will gradually toughen up if you walk your pooch on a variety of surfaces. You can also apply paw wax on the bottom of the pads to help prevent your dog from slipping on slick surfaces.
Finally, give your furry friend a “pawdicure” now and then by soaking their feet in lukewarm water. Use cooled tea if you want the tannins to help toughen the puppy’s pads.