When your pet nears life’s end, she counts on you to be her advocate. If her quality of life is poor, euthanasia is the humane option. But while she still has moments of joy, hospice care is an alternative.
The goals of hospice care are your pet’s comfort and quality of life. That involves pain management, dietary support — and of course, lots of love.
Before deciding, ask your veterinarian whether hospice care is right for your pet. If so, learn the signs of discomfort and ways to tell if your pet’s quality of life is shifting.
Make sure your furry friend has a well-cushioned bed surrounded by her favorite things. Offer frequent help, if she needs it, so she can relieve herself, and make sure she’s clean and dry.
Providing hospice care can be all-consuming. But if you’re up to the task, it’s a loving last gift to your buddy.