The ABCs of CBD

The ABCs of CBD

CBD is one of the trendiest wellness products, available in everything from oils to gummies. Health and wellness bloggers say it can ease pain and anxiety, among other ailments. Is this true? Let’s break down the ABCs of CBD to understand what’s safe and what’s legal.

CBD stands for cannabidiol, a chemical compound found in the marijuana and hemp plant. Unlike recreational marijuana, CBD has no psychoactive properties, so it cannot make you high.

In 2018, Congress passed legislation that removed hemp-derived CBD from the list of controlled substances, allowing retailers to sell it with no legal risk. As a result, CBD products have become readily available at many health stores and grocery stores. CBD products derived from marijuana are legal in states that have approved the use of medical and/or recreational marijuana.

CBD is said to help alleviate various ailments, including anxiety, chronic pain and insomnia, in some people. Sufficient scientific evidence to support these claims does not yet exist, however, and the only FDA-approved use of CBD is in a drug used to treat epilepsy in children. Scientists say more research needs to be completed to determine if CBD does help other conditions.

CBD can be found in topical ointments and creams as well as edible items and liquids. However, with CBD’s growing popularity, it’s important to make sure you’re purchasing a legitimate product. Look for products that have been tested by a third-party for accuracy or sold at trusted stores.

Lastly, be sure to talk to your health provider before you use CBD to make sure it won’t interfere with any other medications you may be taking.

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