Target training is fun for birds and can help keep them safe

Target training is fun for birds and can help keep them safe

Most pets can be target trained, but it’s especially helpful for birds.

Simply put, target training rewards a bird for going to a designated target. You’ll need three things before you start the training: a target — which can be any small object that your bird doesn’t usually encounter — a clicker and a food treat.

First, train to the clicker by playing with your bird, clicking and giving him a treat right away. Eventually your buddy will learn that responding to the clicker results in a reward.

Next, place the target a short distance away from your bird. As he becomes curious about the target, click and offer praise and a treat. With time, he’ll get closer to the target until he finally touches it.

Once your bird learns that going to the target is fun, you can use it to entice him into a carrier or to come to you when called.

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