Halloween is a scary time for pets. Just look at the world of ghosts and goblins through the eyes of your four-legged friend. “Not the doorbell again! And here come more strangers. Yikes! Their faces look strange, and they’re wearing odd clothes. What should I do — be a tough guy, run off or hide?”
It’s a rare pet that finds Halloween fun. Truth is, your furry friend would probably be happier curled up in a cozy spot, far from startling sights and sounds. And for pets that get super stressed, boarding elsewhere for the evening is an option.
Other Halloween fright include chocolate, xylitol [ZĪ-lit-all] (a sugar substitute), nuts and raisins, all of which are poisonous to certain pets. Even candy wrappers and packaging can wreak havoc if swallowed.
Stay on alert so that Halloween treats don’t turn into tricks, or worse, for your pet.