One of the things we adore about dogs is their bright-eyed zest for each new day, so we do our best to protect them as they leap through life. So who expects an eyelash to gum up the works?
There’s actually a slew of eyelash-related issues than can be doggie downers, such as ingrown lashes or lashes growing through the inside the eyelid. These conditions can cause eyelash hair to rub against the eye’s sensitive surface, which is not only very painful — it can damage the eye.
Rogue lashes usually affect young dogs, but they can bother pooches of any age and breed. You’d think it would be tough to tell if something as tiny as an eyelash is wreaking havoc, but the pain causes squinting, tearing and redness. And most affected dogs paw at their eyes.
So if you see signs, have your dog checked out. That’ll keep him bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.