Spotlight on propylene glycol

Spotlight on propylene glycol

If you’ve heard of propylene glycol recently, it’s likely in the context of pet food. That’s because its addition to certain pet foods is blamed for making some animals sick. So just what is propylene glycol anyway?

Panic often ensues when people confuse this compound with ethylene glycol, its distant cousin and the toxic component of antifreeze. But ironically, propylene glycol is used to make pet-safe varieties of antifreeze.

It’s also approved to maintain moisture in certain animal foods. However, cat foods are an exception, because propylene glycol causes abnormalities in feline red blood cells. But dogs have to ingest large amounts of the stuff before they show signs of toxicity, like sedation, staggering or seizures.

Still, if you don’t want to take chances, read the ingredient label before buying any food for your pet.

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