Anything men can quit, women can quit, too.
Although there’s a long-held belief among some experts that men can kick the smoking habit easier than women, a new study indicates that this may not be the case after all.
In fact, researchers from University College London found that women under age 50 actually have a higher success rate than their male counterparts when it comes to quitting smoking.
Overall, a little more than half of the female smokers in the study were able to quit, versus 48 percent of the male smokers.
The study looked at more than 100,000 ex-smokers from Britain, Canada and the United States, tracking individuals who had quit more than a year earlier.
Coupled with the results from an unrelated German study, the findings could be a fresh breath of hope for women and men who are considering quitting.
Researchers from the German Research Cancer Center found that going tobacco-free can reduce a person’s chances of premature death no matter when they decide to snuff the smokes. Breaking the habit earlier is preferred, though. The researchers say the more time that passes after you quit smoking, the lower your risk of premature death.
And, interestingly, there is evidence that more people are quitting than ever. Records from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that for the first time since 2002, there are more former smokers in the United States than current smokers.
Smoking cessation methods vary from person to person. The options range from nicotine patches and gum, to going cold turkey or enrolling in a treatment program, which women are more likely to do more than men.
For smokers, be they women or men, the wave of research proves there’s no gender divide when it comes to quitting smoking. And, perhaps most importantly, it’s always a good time to kick the habit.