It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but it’s also stressful. The hustle of the holidays demands time, attention and energy. We ignore diets, ignore sleep schedules and plan out every free minute, which can lead to burnout before the New Year begins.
If that sounds exhausting to you, take a step back and schedule time for yourself. Here are three ideas for how to practice self-care this holiday season.
First, make exercise non-negotiable. At this time of year, nights run longer and can be filled with parties. This makes it easy to cancel a workout class or skip the morning run, but don’t. Exercise reduces stress and improves one’s mood. Plus, it’s nice to work off some of the extra calories consumed at the parties.
Second, limit your social media time. ‘Tis the season for making life look glamorous online, and people share curated views of their lives. Subconsciously, we look at these posts and compare ourselves to others, questioning our own joy and inviting feelings of inadequacy, jealousy and anxiety.
Third, practice mindfulness and meditation. The busy days speed by and begin to blend together. Ten minutes of quiet meditation and reflection in the morning can center you before the day begins. Throughout the day, taking time to focus on the sights, sounds and smells of the holiday season can help you feel peaceful and present amidst the rush.
Self-care is not selfish; it’s prioritizing your well-being so you can cherish the time with beloved friends and family. Incorporate self-care into your holiday season so you can maximize your joy from the greatest time of the year.