Scanning the field of microchips

Scanning the field of microchips

Microchips have been around for a while, but they’re still the best way to reunite lost pets with their families.

A microchip is a bit larger than a grain of rice. Placement is simple — it simply involves injecting the chip under a pet’s skin.

That’s the first part of the process. Pet parents must then register their contact information so they can be alerted if their pet is found. Of course, that means the registration needs to be updated whenever pet parents move.

Microchips don’t use GPS, so they can’t track pets — and they’re not battery operated, so they don’t have to be changed. Instead, they’re activated by a scanner, so that the chip ID appears on the scanner screen. Now universal scanners are available to read all types of chips.

It’s ingenious technology — one that’s enabled many families to find their wayward pets.

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