If you’re a pooch parent, you may know kennel cough as an infectious canine disease that incites a lingering, hacking cough. In reality, it’s a group of possible infections caused by various bacteria and viruses.
Within this contagious syndrome, some microbial culprits cause worse symptoms than others. But fortunately, most of them are preventable by vaccination. The most powerful pathogens, like adenovirus [AD-en-oh-virus] or the virus that causes distemper, warrant core vaccination — that is, vaccination recommended for all dogs. For other bacteria, like Bordetella [Bord-eh-TELL-ah], vaccinations are only suggested for dogs that will be exposed to their canine cousins at kennels, doggie daycare or parks.
So discuss your dog’s routine with your veterinarian to determine which vaccinations are needed to keep your four-legged friend bright-eyed and breathing clearly.