Pets soothing seniors

Pets soothing seniors

Not all seniors are cut out to be pet parents. But for those who can handle it, a cuddly companion might be just what the doctor ordered.

Pets can fend off loneliness while helping to lower a senior’s blood pressure, stimulate social involvement, encourage exercise and motivate mental activity. Pets also live in the moment, prompting their elderly caretakers to do likewise.

Caring for a pet helps seniors shift focus from themselves to someone reliant on their care. In turn, pets benefit from the extra time older people have to give.

For seniors with failing abilities, a cat or other small animal may be preferable to a dog — just like older pets may be more suitable than energetic youngsters. Plans also need to be set up for when seniors can no longer care for their pets. But until that time, a pet just might just lighten an elder’s burden.

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