Fourth of July celebrations usually involve a relaxed mix of family, friends, fireworks and food. But people parties can be chock-full of hazards for your four-legged family members.
Dangerous temptations need to be kept out of your pet’s reach. Rich foods can cause gastrointestinal upset, and some can be downright poisonous, such as chocolate, onions, coffee, avocado, grapes, raisins, salt and alcoholic beverages. The same goes for human sunscreens and insect repellants, matches and lighter fluid, and citronella and insect coils. And munching on glow jewelry, while not life-threatening, can cause drooling and possible gastrointestinal obstruction.
As for the fireworks, many pets are scared by loud noises and big crowds, so plan on leaving your pet home in a quiet, cool and familiar setting.