Overcoming horse-size fears

Overcoming horse-size fears

There are two ways to deal with your horse’s fear: preventing it or overcoming it. Sure, the former is preferable, but sometimes we have to deal with the latter.

Remember, your horse isn’t born being afraid of a syringe. He learns to fear it when it’s linked to discomfort. Next, he may come to fear the veterinarian who uses it, the truck that brings the veterinarian, and so on. You can nip this in the bud by slowly acclimating your horse — that is, by gradually and repeatedly exposing him to an object or a procedure.

Desensitizing your horse to an established fear is trickier. You can try counterconditioning — that is, pairing the good with the bad. For example, offer a treat when you show him the dreaded syringe, or give him a firm scratch and a rub when the veterinarian uses it. It’s all about taking baby steps and going slowly.

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