Chewing and nipping are normal ways that puppies explore their environments. But if you’re the one on the nipped end, then it’s time to teach your pup the no-no’s of biting.
Puppies teach each other the same thing. When tussling, a pup that’s bitten too hard yelps and stops playing. The biter is usually so surprised that she pauses too. Before long they’re back at play, but the scenario may repeat itself several times. Bite by bite, puppies teach each other restraint.
You can use a similar method when playing with your pup. First, let her mouth your hand. But if she bites too hard, yelp and drop your hand. If she stops, praise her. After a few seconds, start playing again and repeat the process. If yelping doesn’t do the trick alone, try ignoring your pup for 20 seconds after the bite.
It’s a puppy-tested way to nip a problem in the bud.