Ever stop to think about your community blood supply? Maybe you should, because your community blood supply is pulsing all around you and right now, in most communities across the United States, it’s in short supply.
This is National Blood Donor Month. Although blood shortages can come and go all year long, every year blood centers struggle to meet the demands of hospitals in January. There’s more than one reason why.
First, people are very busy in December with travel, events, parties, and planning. Often even the most dedicated donors can’t find the time to give.
Second, the best places to collect blood are often off-limits during the holidays, which has a heavy impact on donations. Blood centers collect a large percentage of their donations at schools… high schools, colleges and universities. Schools are usually closed for a couple of weeks during December.
Even places of worship and shopping malls, often reliable places for blood centers to hold drives, can be reluctant to host a blood drive during the holiday season because they have too much happening already.
Third, by December the cold and flu season is usually in full swing, and people who want to donate and have the time sometimes aren’t feeling well enough to give.
As we’re ringing in the New Year, we’re also facing a community blood shortage that then gets hit with an increase in elective surgeries in January. That increases the demand for blood, which is already in short supply.
The good news is you can help by giving blood. To find out where to donate in your area, or for more information about giving blood, visit the AABB’s web site at www.aabb.org. You can make a difference today as a blood donor. Don’t just think about it, give it a try.