If Joan Rivers comes to mind when you hear the words “plastic surgery,” you are probably not alone. But new statistics show that blond Hollywood types aren’t the real trendsetters in the world of nip and tuck.
Actually … the new faces of cosmetic surgery look a little more like your dad and his golfing buddies. Yep, according to new statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more guys are taking to the scalpel to get a fresh new look. The trend is particularly strong among Baby Boomers in their fifties and sixties.
About 1 million men had plastic surgery between 2009 and 2010. That’s about a two percent uptick, overall, and the increases are even greater if you look at individual procedures. For example, about fourteen percent more men underwent facelifts and seven percent more men had liposuction.
There are even increases in some surprising areas, like breast reduction surgeries and laser hair removal, too. Breast reduction is actually one of the most common cosmetic surgeries among men.
About sixty-four-thousand men in the U-S underwent a nose job, which is the most common plastic surgery procedure for men. Eyelid surgery, liposuction, breast reduction and hair transplants are also among the top five.
And it’s not just surgery either. More men are getting aesthetic treatments such as Botox injections and microdermabrasion, too.
Plastic surgeons say for most of these new devotees, it’s all in the name of looking as chipper on the outside as they feel on the inside. But though the number of people getting these procedures might be growing, experts caution patients to remember that plastic surgery comes with risks.
So, if you are thinking of saying goodbye to a few wrinkles or little flab around the middle, choose a board-certified physician. And take a lesson from Hollywood: Don’t overdo it.