Managing Care of Elderly Pets (Archive from 8/8/2021)

Managing Care of Elderly Pets (Archive from 8/8/2021)

Similar to people, pets are living longer lives these days due to improved veterinary care and dietary habits. But with extended lives comes a whole new set of age-related conditions, which in turn affects the care needs of these “pet elders” – our beloved senior pets. This show’s guest, Dr. Amy Stone, who heads the primary care and dentistry service at UF, will discuss some of the common conditions that affect older pets, which are among the same problems that affect older people: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, kidney/urinary tract disease, senility, among others. She’ll also talk about how to work with your veterinarian at every stage of your pet’s life to ensure that the aging process is as graceful and as painless as it can be.

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