Lilies are lethal for cats

Lilies are lethal for cats

Nothing evokes spring like flowers, and lilies are especially elegant. But they spell trouble if you have a cat.

No flower presents more of a threat to our feline friends than lilies — day lilies and true lilies, to be exact — like tiger lilies and Easter lilies. Every part of the plant is poisonous to cats — even the pollen on the table and water in the vase. A cat only has to ingest a bit of pollen while grooming to develop fatal kidney failure within a few days.

Early signs of lily poisoning include drooling, vomiting and loss of appetite. Prompt intensive care — within 12 hours or so — can improve a cat’s chances of surviving lily toxicity. But if a cat’s part of your family, don’t think twice. Keep lilies out of your house altogether.

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